so close so far away (2002-03)

so close so far away (2002-03)

AUS 2002-03  / mini-DV / 4 minutes ( loop) / stereo / colour / video installation

Concept, camera, editing
Flavia Caviezel

David Mc Dowell

Samples from “contact” and “to autumn” by Anselm Caminada / Arrangement by Flavia Caviezel

Altimeter support
Gary Kildea

Sprinkler support
Patsy Payne, Peter Jordan, Martyn Jolly, Bronwyn Coupe

so close so far away creates an atmosphere of uncertainty by juxtaposing lush organic imagery with fleeting shadows of distant planes, accompanied by a disturbing soundtrack.

Canberra Museum and Gallery Canberra 2003 (solo exhibition); „State Circle“, Woden Town Square & National Gallery of Australia, Canberra/AUS 2004; “balkanTV: Love & Peace”, at different places in Zurich, 2006; “Voyeur One”, 69 Smith Street Gallery and Art Melbourne/AUS 2007; PerformIT, Tucson/USA 2007.

“…Caviezel, a cutting-edge video artist who works at the Zurich art school, created a dramatic video installation while she was here, which, as a still from her video shows, combines the images from last year’s Floriade with the ominous shadow of war planes crossing the petals…” 
Helen Musa, The Canberra Times, April 14 2003


firefighter [after work] (2003)

firefighter [after work] (2003)

sur cunfins. dunnas ad alp (2001)

sur cunfins. dunnas ad alp (2001)