firefighter [after work] (2003)

firefighter [after work] (2003)

AUS/CH 2003 / mini-DV / 3:30 minutes (loop) / stereo / colour / video installation

Concept & Production

Flavia Caviezel

The traces of the long lasting fight against blazing flames are washed away by the showers‘ jet of water. That purifying ritual is accompanied by a sound collage of radio samples, among other containig reportings about Canberras‘ bushfires in summer 2003.

Group Exhibitions
’Zero Light’, CSA Gallery, Canberra/AUS 2003; Kunstszene Zürich 2003/2004

Festivals (Tape version)
Bimovie, Munich 2005.

”…Atmospheric is also the video program by Sandra Capaul, Christiane Hummel, Flavia Caviezel and Christine Hunold... The world of moving images touches because of the possibility to allow intimacy…“      Angelika Affentranger-Kirchrath, NZZ, 24.12.2004

h(i)er oder (2004)

h(i)er oder (2004)

so close so far away (2002-03)

so close so far away (2002-03)